Volunteering for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign

Volunteering for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign
Volunteering for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign

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The Front View of the Worcester Masonic Center

The Front View of the Worcester Masonic Center
The Front View of the Worcester Masonic Center

Close-Up view of the Worcester Masonic Center

Close-Up view of the Worcester Masonic Center
Close-Up view of the Worcester Masonic Center

MSL's Annual Table Lodge

MSL's Annual Table Lodge
MSL's Annual Table Lodge

Friday, April 1, 2016

Master's Message - April 2016

Esotericism & Traditional Observance

Today’s Freemason is in fact a new-age esoteric gentleman. He is a rarity not just for the exclusivity of knowledge he may gain from our order, but also for being an exceptional seeker of self-awareness amid a vast throng of personal mediocrity. Every potential candidate is asked why he seeks admittance into our fraternity. Invariably the answer revolves around a search for something beyond what the ordinary world can offer. These men believe there is “greatness” within them, but lack the tools and fraternal influence they yearn for, which we know Freemasonry can provide.

In the first degree we introduce the new brother to the initial “mysteries” of Freemasonry.  A mystery, by definition, is simply something that is difficult to understand until its full meaning is known. Enlightenment, or the unveiling of these mysteries, is literally and esoterically bringing a brother from darkness to light or from ignorance to knowledge. Our traditional observances (the degrees), are not as literal as the modern generation may be used to. The time-honored language and ancient allusions are not meant to spoon-feed answers to a dormant mind, but rather to evoke thought and stimulate further exploration. Each newly initiated brother must act on his own accord to gain that which he is in pursuit; the secrets of a Master Mason which are those of an enlightened brother.

A deeper (esoteric) passage is only possible when the traditional observances are substantively presented and are made meaningful to the new brother. The “Ritualist” journey begins with his first cipher and expands and grows throughout his Masonic career. We have an obligation to give our “worthy” brothers relief in the form of enlightenment; simply reciting the ritual is not enough. The skilled Ritualist must be able to convey the inspired message in and around the words. For this, he must have a more esoteric understanding of the allusions himself. The Great Paradox is never more authentic than in our efforts to pass on the mysteries; the more you give, the more you get!!!

April will thankfully be a less arduous Masonic month than the last! Our Regular Communication will be held on Tuesday April 5th, when we hope to ballot on several candidates! We will then begin our last set of degrees for this Masonic year with a 1st degree scheduled for Tuesday April 19th, 2nd degree to follow on Tuesday  May 17th and finally a 3rd degree on Tuesday June 21st. As always our 23rd District LOI is the fourth Tuesday of the month, which this month is April 26th.

Lastly, I want to thank ALL who participated and/or helped out with our fantastic Past Master’s night; truly an exceptional night for our candidate and our Lodge. To all the Past Masters and DDGM’s; I offer you my deepest thanks. Each of you continue to be a profound inspiration to me and to all the brothers in our lodge and beyond. Special thanks of course to RW David R. Lucas and his suite for attending and making the evening even grander! And I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge and thank all the junior officers and regular attendees of Morning Star Lodge who carry the majority of the burden of keeping our lodge vibrant and strong!  You guys are the best!!

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Br. John F. Sullivan, Master